Reading time: 6 min.
Hair Transplant After 3 Weeks: Photos, Results, Side Effects

At 3 weeks post-transplant your rest and recovery period is over, and you’ll most likely be feeling eager to see some progress in hair growth (see hair transplant growth chart). 

While any notable hair growth becomes visible between 4 months after a hair transplant and 6 months after a hair transplant, you may be able to see some slight hair growth surfacing at this point, though it is common to experience post-transplant shedding.

At 3 weeks you should also be able to do things like sleep on your side again, exercise, and wear a hat, as the grafts have securely anchored at this point.

In this article we will look at a few different transplants and how they look after 3 weeks, including a hairline transplant, a crown transplant, an eyebrow transplant, and a beard transplant.

We will also cover some common side effects at 3 weeks, as well as whether it is safe to cut and dye your hair 3 weeks after a hair transplant.

Table of Contents

Hairline transplant after 3 weeks

Afro-hairline transplant after 3 weeks
Afro-hairline transplant after 3 weeks

The picture above shows a 3 weeks post-op patient who received an afro hairline transplant. Using the graft calculator, it looks like the transplant consisted of between 1000 grafts and 2000 grafts. By the number of grafts needed, this would put the patient at Norwood stage 3 on the Norwood scale.

As you can see in the picture, any hair transplant scabs have now gone; this allows the hair on the surface to shed and the transplanted grafts to begin producing new hair growth.

Hairline and temples transplant after 3 weeks
Hairline and temples transplant after 3 weeks

The individual above is 3 weeks post-op from a hairline transplant. From the picture it looks like the patient received around 1500 grafts, which would put them at Norwood stage 3.

In the picture you can see that the transplanted site is still quite red; this is completely normal to experience at 3 weeks, as the transplant is still new at this point, however, if the area was red, warm to the touch, and oozing, this could indicate a hair transplant infection.

Hairline and temples transplant after 3 weeks
Hairline and temples transplant after 3 weeks

This individual has undergone a hairline transplant. They are also experiencing hair thinning on the vertex of the scalp which places them at Norwood stage 3 vertex on the Norwood scale. It can be assumed that the individual received around 2500 grafts.

As you can see, they are still experiencing redness on the transplanted area at 3 weeks post-op. It also appears that they may be experiencing shock hair loss as the hair grafts prepare to produce new growth.

Crown transplant after 3 weeks

Before and after crown transplant 3 weeks post surgery
Before and after crown transplant 3 weeks post-surgery

This hair transplant before and after shows a significant change after just 3 weeks. The individual appears to have has been received a crown hair transplant due to hair loss in this area, which is common from Norwood stage 3 to Norwood stage 7. This individual appears to be at Norwood stage 3 with vertex hair loss.

At 3 weeks post-op we can see the coverage of the grafts, however, there is also evidence of some temporary post-transplant shedding.

Redness beginning to die down 3 weeks post hair transplant
Redness beginning to die down 3 weeks post hair transplant

In this picture, we can see that by the 3rd week, any redness is beginning to die down, and any scabs are coming away. 

FUE hair transplant 3 weeks after surgery from different angles
FUE hair transplant 3 weeks after surgery from different angles

Youtuber Joe Tillman has been very open about his hair restoration journey and has shared the process and recovery of his
FUE hair transplantThe above pictures show his crown hair growth progress after 3 weeks.


Eyebrow transplant after 3 weeks

3 weeks post eyebrow transplant
3 weeks post eyebrow transplant

3 weeks after an eyebrow transplant is quite similar to 3 weeks after a scalp hair transplant when it comes to after-effects; around the third week, you can expect to see shedding as new hair prepares to grow in the coming months.

You may also still see some redness at this point.

3 weeks post eyebrow transplant surgery
3 weeks post eyebrow transplant surgery

By week 3 any scabs should be gone and you can apply makeup to the transplanted area. You may also need to apply hair gel from week 3 onwards to train your eyebrow hair in the correct direction [1]. Find out if hair gel can cause hair loss.

Eyebrow transplant at 3 weeks post-op
Eyebrow transplant at 3 weeks post-op

As part of your eyebrow aftercare you should still be avoiding direct sunlight on your healing eyebrows at this point.

Beard transplant after 3 weeks

After a beard transplant, you should be able to see your new beard hairline immediately, and whilst new hair growth will begin to develop by months 2-3, you should see what looks like light stubble by the 3rd week.

Beard transplant after 3 weeks
Beard transplant after 3 weeks

The patient above is 3 weeks post-op and has received an FUE beard transplant, which consisted of 2000 grafts.

At 3 weeks any transplant scabs should have come away, however, you may experience beard transplant post-op itch; this can be frustrating as you’ll feel the urge to scratch at your new grafts, but don’t! Scratching your grafts could risk them coming loose or developing a transplant infection

3 weeks after a beard transplant
3 weeks after a beard transplant

3 weeks after a beard transplant you can shave or trim your beard, however, you should still take care to be gentle and practice good facial hygiene.

At this point, you can also expect some hair shedding, which is completely normal and temporary, as new hairs will grow back. 

Beard transplant, 1500 grafts
Beard transplant, 1500 grafts

Side effects 3 weeks after a hair transplant

3 weeks after a hair transplant you can expect:

An itchy scalp is normal at this point as it is often caused by hair transplant scabs coming away from the scalp; a saline spray can be prescribed by your physician as part of your aftercare, and is usually effective at calming the itching [2]. While an itchy scalp doesn’t always indicate your hair is growing, it’s also not a bad sign at this point.

When washing your scalp, you can gently rub the area so that any loose scabs can fall away, however, this should be done with care and without purposefully dislodging tough scabs.

It is important that you do not scratch your scalp or pick any scabs off as this could lead to the grafts being dislodged or an infection.

At 3 weeks you will experience post-transplant shedding, or recipient-site effluvium, which is completely normal as the surface hair makes way for new hair growth in the months to come [3]. 

Can I cut my hair 3 weeks after a hair transplant?

Yes. Many people worry that getting their hair cut too soon after a hair transplant could cause damage to the grafts, and this could be the case if the grafts and hair are interfered with too soon.

After visiting your physician to ensure your hair transplant is healing properly, 3 weeks is a safe amount of time to wait before getting your first haircut, and though the full extent of your new hair growth will not be visible yet, you can still maintain your hair and explore new styles.

Can I dye my hair 3 weeks after a hair transplant?

You should talk to your physician before using colouring your hair after a transplant, however, it is usually not advised to do so until at least 4 weeks post-op; this is because harsh chemicals could damage the grafts.

Your new follicles will be more sensitive and so there is more chance of creating an adverse reaction to the product and creating irreparable damage to the grafts and follicles.

Need advice after a hair transplant?

If you’ve recently had a hair transplant, or you’re exploring your hair restoration options, our team is on-hand to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Our services include an expert trichology team who are completely equipped when diagnosing underlying conditions, as well as surgical and non-surgical options such as laser hair regrowth.

Book your free consultation with us today.

The Wimpole Clinic offers FUE Hair, Beard & Eyebrow Transplants & Trichology.
Talk to a specialist ☎ 020 7935 1861.

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